Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America

Pruett Family Cemetery

FM 437
Comments : Your website asked for information regarding the location of
Pruett Family Cemetery.  

Here is a link to a USGS Survey map showing Pruett Family Cemetery off of CR
437 just North of Davilla.

Gaz Name: Pruett Family Cemetery
GAZ_ID: 2041463
Name: Pruett Family Cemetery
Latitude: 30.8101899
Longitude: -97.252774
Latitude(dms): 304837N
Longitude(dms): 0971510W
Cell Name: Davilla
Sequence: 1

I hope this helps.  

One of my relatives from out of state has a photo request on
for Pruett Family Cemetery.   I would like to fill that request if
arrangements can be made with the owner.  


Thanks to Jerry Leist for this information

609 N Tinsley
Angleton, Texas 77515


Mr. Leist,
I compared Mr. Caywood's Geonames reference, and one other that I was able to locate, and determined the cemetery to be located on property I.D. 62162 on the Milam County Appraisal District map. It is located on a 78 acre tract owned by Mr. Bobby Stanton. He and his family have a considerable amount of land holding in this vicinity of Milam County.

I Google searched and was able to leave word with a receptionist at one of his many business interests on 04/28/2015. His receptionist said that he was out of town but hopefully his wife would return my call. I was also able to determine his residential address in Georgetown and will send a cordial letter in a few days if I don't receive a returned call.

Reference # 1 is from 170 Years of Cemetery Records in Milam County, Texas by Mrs. Norinne Holman. We thank her for allowing us to share her research.

I thought that you might find attachment # 2 interesting. This is a section of a 1925 Milam County property ownership map. You'll note many smaller acreage plots and numerous roads accessing them. No doubt at one time, the Pruett home and Family Cemetery were alongside one of these roads. As they were purchased and consolidated, many of the roads and access easements were no longer needed which ultimately isolated this small cemetery like so many others. Mr. Stanton has owned this property since 1991 and hopefully is aware of this small cemetery's location. We had a similar inquiry, recently, regarding the Mumford Cemetery which is just across FM 437 from this property. It was mired in thorny vines and underbrush and would not have been found unless you knew exactly where it was.  A Mr. Billie Moore was aware of the Pruett Family Cemetery location in 2000, but I'm unable to locate contact information for him. I'll advise as soon as I have additional information to share.
Regards, Jack Brooks 
Pruett Family Cemetery
Pruett Family Cemetery - 1925
Photos courtesy of Jack Brooks
Mr. Leist,
Since I haven't heard from Mr. Stanton, the owner of the above property, I'm going to attempt a letter. Even if I'm able to gain access, if he or his representative don't know where the three headstones are located, it may be like hunting for a needle in a dense thorny briar patch like across the road at Mumford Cemetery. 78 ac to boot. Billie Moore in 2000 said that the cemetery was hard to find. In all probability, the cemetery has been neglected since the last interment in 1886. I'll advise if I hear from Mr. Stanton.
Jack Brooks


Thanks for letting me know.    Unfortunately, it may be hard to find. 
Thanks for your help.
Jerry Leist 


Mr. Leist, 
I just received a telephone call from Mr. Bobby Stanton. He said that he was aware of the cemetery on his property and knows of its location. He said that the headstones have all fallen. He said that if he's not able to personally give me access, he'll ask his son in law if he'll do it for him. He further stated that it may take a week or so for access. I thanked him for his interest in accommodating us and told him that I would be at his disposal whenever it was convenient for him or his son in law. I thought that this was very kind of Mr. Stanton, since he lives in Georgetown which is at least 30 miles away.
I'll advise with any new information. Regards, 
Jack Brooks


Hi Patty,

Once again, may the Milam County Historical Commission request your assistance in answering another inquiry?.

I have lost contact with Mr. Stanton, owner of the property surrounding the Pruett Cemetery. He has moved from the original address that I found posted on the net. My letter was returned unforwardable. A second letter, to a possibly later address, received no response. Since you and your family are such long term residents in the Davilla community, I had hoped that you might, by chance,have knowledge of this property, possibly the owner or someone who may have access rights. 

I'll clarify the location for you. While leaving Davilla and proceeding north toward Rogers on FM 437, and just before the Donahoe Creek, there will be a gate to your right(east) leading to the property. There is a moderate size reservoir on the property but not visible from the road.

If you're familiar with the entry gate to the Richter property and the Mumford Cemetery, the entry gate there is on the left side of the road (west) a short distance before you get to above mentioned Stanton property gate.

According to Norrine Holman's book that we both hold, a Billie Moore visited it in 2000. I found no telephone listing for Mr. Moore in the community. My visit would only take 15 minutes since I merely want to take photos of the three fallen headstones. I'll then forward them to Mr. Leist, post them to our  website under the Cemetery heading and also post photos to the Find a Grave website.  

Any assistance that you might give will once again (3rd time) be gratefully appreciated by Mr. Leist and the MCHC. It's rewarding to know that the MCHC has such knowledgeable and helpful "mentors" in the various communities of Milam County.

Sincerely, Jack Brooks   bjohnr2010(AT)hotmail(DOT)com -  (nine04) 6zero8-5fivefive5


To: Tom Pruett - tepruett(AT)gmail(DOT)com
CC: Jerry Leist - jerry(DOT)leist(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Hi Tom,
I'm back again representing the Milam County Historical Commission, only this time not inquiring about Henry T. Pruett. This time it's about another inquiry received regarding the Pruett family Cemetery.

You'll note that I have been struggling with access to this private property for photo documentation of the headstones. Since you appear to like a challenge, and are the Pruett family Genealogist, I want to find out what you might know about Elizabeth C. and Lilian E. Pruett, if related. Since the Pruett family has such a dominance in Milam County, I thought that there was a good possibility that you may have come across them during your extensive research of the family.  I'm sure that Mr. Jerry Leist ( ) would find any information interesting and would be able to share it with his relative.  I have searched extensively in the Davilla community and spoken with numerous long term individuals(much of it not documented on our website) and have been unable to gain any ground regarding access to the grounds/ cemetery.

Regards, Jack Brooks

