Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
THORNDALE — Established in 1890, St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Thorndale
celebrated its 125th anniversary.

Theme of the year-long celebration is “For 125 years, Christ Alone is our Cornerstone”.

An estimated 570 persons filled the sanctuary for the celebration service with an
overflow crowd observing a simulcast in the Family Activity Center. The service was
officiated by current pastors, Rev Scott Schaller and Rev. Aaron Kalbas. The Dr. Rev.
Jerry Kieschnick, former president of the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod, brought the

Following the service, a meal catered by Uptown Café and an afternoon remembrance program
was held at the Thorndale Fireman’s Hall.

Cindy Melcher and Melanie Moss presented a short program and confirmation classes were
recognized by decade, with students present from as far back as the 1920s.

Afternoon guest speaker, Rev. Wilburn Michalk, addressed the large crowd, reflecting on
German-Lutheran history by “Looking Back and Stepping Forward.”

Guests included descendants from former pastors, including Rev. A. W. Kramer, Rev. Fred
H. Stelzer, and Rev. Vernon M. Appel. Many former members, teachers and students

A museum was set up in the Thorndale VFW hall which displayed memorabilia from the
previous St. Paul church and school buildings along with class confirmation pictures,
displays and writings on the history of the church, its former and current pastors and
teachers and its many organizations.

Teresa Ging, church spokesperson, said St. Paul’s would like to thank all who attended
and “made the 125th anniversary celebration a joyous and blessed time to remember.”

Future events during the year of celebration include guest speakers for Sunday worship
services and, in December, laying a 125- year cornerstone and a time capsule.

Large crowds attended
morning church service,
afternoon meal (left)
to celebrate St. Paul
Lutheran’s 125th.
RIGHT: Rev. Dr. Jerry Kieschnick
(L), former synod president, and Rev.
Wilburn Michalk were among the
speakers in events that included
church services, lunch and museum
St Paul Lutheran Church - Thorndale, TX 125th Birthday
Dr Jerry Kieschnick
Rev. Wilburn Michalk
Photos courtesy of Teresa Ging
All credit for this article goes to the
Rockdale Reporter