Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
                         Only Got To Vote If You Paid Your Poll Tax
                                Milam History by Joy Graham
                             Rockdale Reporter - June 13, 2013

I am not sure how parents are teaching their children in today’s society, I can only
reflect on my upbringing. I was taught my responsibility was to become knowledgeable of
the candidates wanting to serve and vote for the person(s) I thought most qualified.
They instilled in me that “voting” is a privilege.

Alcoa moved to Sandow, Milam County, Texas and in December 1953 the Rockdale Ranger
carried an article written by Charles C. Smith, Jr., Milam County Judge on voting
requirements in Texas: “a person must be 21 years of age, a U.S. citizen, have lived in
Texas for a year and for six months in the district or county. Poll tax must be paid
before Feb. 1.”

At that time the State poll tax was $1.75 per person and paid to the County Tax
Assessor-Collector. Gaither Motor Co. in Rockdale was a deputy tax collector, so you
could pay in Rockdale or at the Tax Assessors’ office in Cameron.

Other important elections such as school trustee, bond, property tax and prohibition
could be brought up with as little as 30 days notice. A citizen had to meet the
requirements and paid his poll tax to vote.

In 1964, the election at the national level was the first one in which no poll tax was
required to vote in federal elections, though the tax survived for state and local
elections. The 24th amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect that year,
abolishing poll tax as a voting requirement for President, Vice President, U.S.
senators and representatives in Congress. If you wanted to vote in Texas, different
ballots had to be provided for voters qualified for all elections and for those voting
only in federal elections.

In 1971, the legislature eliminated the annual registration requirement and provided
instead a continuing registration system, whereby voters were automatically registered
after participating in primaries or elections.

On Aug. 27, 1973, the 63rd Texas Legislature granted persons 18 years old all the
privileges granted those 21 years old. Neither the change in registration laws nor the
vote for 18 year olds came voluntarily. All changes in Texas election laws were fought
by Texas Legislature and came only after the U.S. Supreme Court decisions against
Texas’ position and amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Registration in person or by mail is usually with the county tax assessor-collector. It
can be allowed any time; but one must be registered 30 days before an election to vote.

Research: Rockdale Ranger 1953 “Poll Tax” by Charles C. Smith, Jr. County Judge, Milam County Election Laws:
The Handbook of Texas Online, State Historical Commission 6/9/2013 6:24 p.m.

All credit for this article goes to
Joy Graham
and the
Rockdale Reporter