Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Minutes of meetings
                     Minutes of Milam County Historical Commission
                                   December 9, 2013
                                 Milam County Museum

•Meeting was called to order at 10:10 am on Monday, December 9, 2013 by Secretary, Joan
•Joan called role and requested members to report volunteer hours when they responded to
roll call. 
•Joan thanked our host, Milam County Museum and hostesses for the beautiful decorations
and delicious food.  No Guests.
•Minutes were emailed to members and Joan asked for comments or corrections.  Jack Brooks
made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Beth Brooks made the second to the
motion.  Motion carried.
•The Treasurer’s report was postponed until the next meeting due to the absence of the
treasurer.  The report was emailed but the attendees asked that she present the report at
the next MCHC meeting.

OLD BUSINESS:  None at this time

•2014 Meeting locations.  Joan asked for suggestions.  The attendees would like to have
the December meeting at the Museum.
•Dan Utley did a presentation, in honor of Archeology Week, in Caldwell.  Lucile, Dolores
and Joan attended.  Joan discussed that two entities in Rockdale will receive interns to
assist with applications including Texas Treasures, Rainbow Courts Motel and City
Cemetery.  The interns should be available the first of the year.

•CLG:  Joy not present but working hard on ECR.
•Geri Burnett not present.  Applications are out for Preservation Grant.
•Publicity:  Lucile is attending the County Commissioners’ meeting because of the Bryant
Station Bridge being on the agenda.   She will be here after the Commissioner’s meeting.
•Oral History:  Jack has the completed Graham Dickerson interview.  Asked about a
repository.  Any suggestions for WWII vets that would be interested in being interviewed
please let Jack know.  Jack discussed the necessity of building an element of trust with
the people that are being interviewed.
Dolores mentioned that Jack should contact Betty French about a list of WWII veterans.
Jack also mentioned that there are 50 bricks at Rockdale Memorial.

•Meeting adjourned at 10:40 am with a motion made by Mary Nealy and seconded by Beth

Respectfully Submitted,
Joan Ratliff, Secretary

                     Minutes of Milam County Historical Commission
                                   October 14, 2013
                               Minerva Community Center

•Meeting was called to order at 10:05 am on Monday, October 14, 2013 by Chair, Johnnielyn
•Chair Brown called role and requested members to report volunteer hours when they
responded to roll call. 
•Chair Brown introduced our Minerva School Caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Denman.   They were
warmly thanked for allowing us to use their building.
•Chair Brown introduced guests, Rev. and Patsy Brymer and asked them to come to the front
of the room.  Jack Brooks presented them with a plaque from MCHC thanking and recognizing
them for all of their hard work in historical preservation of the Conoley Church and
cemetery in addition to work done on the Salty Church.  Rev. Brymer gave a prayer.
•Minutes were emailed to members and Chair Brown asked for comments or corrections. 
Darlene Tucker made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Geri Burnett made the
second to the motion.  Motion carried.
•Darlene Tucker gave the Treasurers report for August and September 2013.  Geri Burnett
made the motion to approve the report as given and Pam Troutman seconded the motion. 
Motion carried.

•The next MCHC meeting will be in December at the Milam County Museum.
•El Camino Real Trail Update by Lucile Estell:  Annual meeting is being held in College
station. You can register online.  The ECR organization is trying to purchase swales
close to San Augustine.  The ECR organization is starting a new online fundraiser. 
Fundraiser information is available online.
•Jack Brooks has volunteered to help with the sale and placement of the Courthouse
Bricks.  Rockdale Memorial is ordering 50 bricks for our fundraiser project.  Jack
suggested that we reduce the price of the bricks to $75.00.  Our cost is $35.00.  A
motion was made by Joan Ratliff and seconded by Beth Brooks to reduce the price of the
bricks.  Motion carried.  Jack also requested more latitude in allowing the purchaser to
decide what goes on the bricks.  A motion in favor of this suggestion was made by
Annabelle Hodge-Heine and seconded by Carole Simank.

•Darlene presented the calendar of events and asked that members contact her with any
additional information that should be placed on the calendar.
•Dan Utley will be doing a presentation, in honor of Archeology Week, in Caldwell. 
Please let Johnnie know if anyone is interesting in attending.
•Geri Burnett gave an overview of the Apache Pass and Sugarloaf Mountain Dedication
ceremonies, Saturday October 26th, at 1 am and 2 pm.
• Cameo Building:  All work has stopped.  Lawsuits may be in the future.
•Rosenwald School:  The Association for the school has finally decided that they have the
money and will move forward with the project.   However, the contractor has not been paid
so work has slowed down.
•The Milam County Museum Cookbook is ready or sale and will make great Christmas gifts. 
Christmas Ornaments are also in stock and for sale at the Museum.
•The Kay Theater and the Wilson Ledbetter Park Markers are at the foundry but it will
still take time to receive them.
•Texas Treasure Business award.  Joan has started working on her application.   
•Jack reported that they have backed off during the August heat a little on the San
Andres, Old Lebanon cemetery work. 
•THC Update:  go to website.  Chair Brown announced several projects mentioned on THC
website.  Joy wrote a letter of intent for a grant for CLG to help with the need of
another publication of survey results and/or a video.  We still have maps for sale.
•Jack Brooks gave a report on the District Judges research project.
•The Center for French Colonial Studies Annual Meeting will be held this year at the Bob
Bullock museum.
•Joan discussed the Tejas Art and Book Festival to be held in 2014.
•Leanna Applegate has been asked for Clifford Simms tapes.
•Johnnie asked for a volunteer to Chair the Archeology Committee.  We have wonderful
ideas for next year.

•CLG:  Joy is looking at a grant to assist in the publishing of Volume 3.
•Geri Burnett reported that the Preservation Grant applications will be ready and
available November 1 – January 3, 2014. 
•Publicity:  Lucile needs information and two weeks’ notice.
•Oral History:  Jack mentioned the December 12th conference on oral history.

•Meeting adjourned 11:45 am with a motion made by Geri Burnett and seconded by Dolores

Respectfully Submitted,
Joan Ratliff, Secretary


                     Minutes of Milam County Historical Commission
                                     August 12, 2013
                                   Sharp General Store

•Meeting was called to order at 10:00 am on Monday, August 12, 2013 by Chair, Johnnielyn
•Chair Brown called role and requested members to report volunteer hours when they
responded to roll call. 
•Chair Brown introduced our new commission members Beth and Jack Brooks, Denice Doss and
Stan Graves. They were warmly welcomed to the commission.
•Chair Brown introduced guests and thanked Stan Graves, owner of the Sharp General Store,
for hosting our meeting.
•Minutes were emailed to members and Chair Brown asked for comments or corrections. 
Lucile made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Carole Simank made the second to
the motion. Motion carried.
•Darlene Tucker gave the Treasurers report for June and July 2013. Geri Burnett thanked
Darlene for the new report format and made a motion to approve the report as given and
James Bradford seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

•The next MCHC meeting will be in October at the Minerva Community Center.
•The Milam County Museum Cookbook Recipe Collection has gone to the printer and hopefully
will be available for sale before Christmas.
•El Camino Real Trail Update by Lucile Estell and Joy Graham:  New signage is up.   The
ECR organization will be starting a new online fundraiser.  The ECR Organization has a
new position, a part time assistant. The University of Texas is picking up salary for
interns and reimbursing 70% of secretary salary.  NPS is working on establishing tours
for ECR.  They hope to have new map in the fall.  Tourists have picked up since the sign
project is in place and a trip for DAR is in the planning phase.  Archeologists have
discovered a Spanish Fort in the Carolinas that will really push interest in Spanish
Colonial history.  We should see an increase in tourists on our trail.  Lucile asked Joan
to report on “secret” project.  She discussed that we are working on getting an ECR
Tourist Center in Rockdale, Lucile and Joan met with the family that owns property that
would be perfect for a visitors’ center.  We should know soon from the family about
whether or not they are interested in donating or selling their property. Lucile
mentioned that there may be a grant available from the Parks and Wildlife Department for
tourist or visitor centers.  Lucile and Joan met with Alcoa representatives, NPS
representative, MDD representative and Stephen Gonzales, ECR Director to discuss our
•Jack Brooks has volunteered to help with the sale and placement of the Courthouse
•Geri introduced Jackie Thornton as a guest and discussed their meeting with Kit Worley
at Apache Pass regarding the THC marker dedication. Jackie mentioned that October will
probably be the month of the dedication.  She has asked for a list of invitees. 
Discussed landscaping.  The location selected for the placement of the marker is inside
their fence and easy to drive by and read.  Geri reported Adeline Kohotek received her
membership emeritus.  She is currently in a Cameron nursing home. Our dignitaries, Lucile
and Geri did the presentation.  Geri passed around photos taken of presentation.
•Darlene presented the calendar of events and asked that members contact her with any
additional information that should be placed on the calendar.  Joan added Sept 7th
Antique Fair, September 14th John Corbett and Sept. 28th Reckless Kelly leading up to
Rockdale Fair the week of October 18th.  Joan mentioned that the commission may be
interested in having a vendor booth.  On Constitution Day there will be a presentation at
the museum about the Civil War by Ed Magre.  The commission decided that they would have
a booth to sell books, bricks, etc. at the Antique Fair.  Jack and Beth volunteered to
set up a booth for the sale.
•Joy announced that it is time to update our CLG survey.  THC will help with this effort.
•Sugarloaf dedication; Darlene mentioned that they have received the plaque.  Geri and
Jackie will work on a date for that dedication.  May be late fall.
•Cameo Building has been gutted and building reinforcement has begun.  They are trying to
keep the façade.  This is the work that had to be done to prevent fines.  Plans have been
approved for the roof. 
•Rosenwald School:  The Association for the school has finally decided that they have the
money and will move forward with the project. Joy reported that John Redington cleared up
the deed of the Rosenwald School.  He deserves our thanks.
•Texas Treasure Business award.  Joan has started working on her application.  The
application is intimidating for most businesses.  Butts Dry Goods and Rodenbeck Farm and
Ranch in Thorndale qualify.  Rockdale Reporter and Rainbow Courts in Rockdale qualify.
•Worley Bridge project may start end of August or first of September.  First step is to
lift and move the bridge so that they can make new supports.
•Jack reported that they have backed off during the August heat a little on the San
Andres, Old Lebanon, cemetery work.  A crane will be there to raise some of the
headstones soon.  Little River Baptist Church Cemetery Society will meet in September to
discuss MCHC helping with their cemetery.  Several headstones are in sad shape.  Jack
made a motion that we give Rev Bymer a plaque recognizing all of his work at the Conoley
Church and Cemetery.  Lucile seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
•THC Update:  go to website.  Joan and Lucile attended the marker webinar.  Sarah with
THC did a wonderful job.   THC will set up the Webinar as a power point program that
County Commissions can use.
•Preservation of historic documents from mystery friend workshop still needs to be
•Chair Brown announced a research project on Milam County District Judges.  There is a
gap in the history of the judges.  If interested in this project, let Charles King or
Johnnie know.  Jack volunteered.  It was suggested that Charles contact Mary Anne Eanes.
•Distinguished Service Award received by MCHC was passed around.
•Joy wrote a letter of intent for a grant for CLG to help with the need of another
publication of survey results and/or a video.  We still have maps for sale.
•Geri Burnett reported that Rockdale donated $5000.00 towards Preservation Grant.  Gause
is giving check today.  Buckholts contacted Chair Brown and told her of their intent to
donate. No word from Milano, Cameron or Thorndale.  The County has budgeted $5,000 in
their budget. The Milam County Museum is now starting on roof project, $2,235.00, that
was approved in 2012. 
•Oral History: Texans in WWII.  Grant Dickerson was interviewed.  Jack’s impression was
that he did not really want to discuss WWII, that he felt it was his duty. Joan asked if
anyone had attempted to obtain recorded history talk by Cliff Simms.
•Publicity: Lucile needs information and two weeks’ notice.
•Stan gave a brief history of the Sharp General Store which served as a bank post office,
social place, and the heart of the community.  Store survived as it did because of the RR
missing Sharp.  he General Store, school and church were the mainstays of the Sharp
community.  Built in 1895. The dry goods side of store was never renovated.  Items on
shelves were in the store when Stan bought the building in mid 1980’s.  Scales were for
weighing the cotton. Scales are still very accurate.  Very busy time for the store was
during the use of the cotton gin. Stan has an office in the store where he does private
architectural work. Concrete vault that still remains was used to keep or store records. 
It was common for people in serious debt would torch stores to destroy records.  Door of
the vault is from Buckholt’s bank that went under during the depression.  Mr. Otto Kem
was the last store owner operator. Stan invited members for lunch at his house.  The
school building is owned by Gene Luckey and was built in 1935 by WPA.
•When NPS, Aaron Mayer went to Joy’s place, he agreed that there is an ECR swale on her
property. Restoration will begin on “Bit of History” this week.
•Thank your county commissioners for help with getting ECR signs up.
•Meeting adjourned 12 noon.
                     Minutes of Milam County Historical Commission
                                     June 10, 2013
                                Conley Community Church

Meeting was called to order at 10:00am on Monday, June 10, 2013 by Chair, Johnnielyn

Chair Brown called role and requested members to report April and May volunteer hours
when they responded to roll call.  We had 13 out of 20 members present.

Chair Brown introduced guests and thanked the Reverend Dave Brymer of the Conoley Church
for hosting our meeting.

Reverend Brymer gave a brief history of the Church and the restoration.  It is notable
that during the restoration, the members never missed having Sunday Service.  The pews
were back in place by Sunday morning through- out the restoration process which took
approximately 2.5 years.

Minutes were read by Joan Ratliff, Secretary.  Lucile made the motion to accept the
minutes as read with noted corrections and Geri Burnett made the second to the motion. 
Motion carried.

Darlene Tucker gave the Treasurers report for April and May 2013.  Joan Ratliff made a
motion to approve the report as given and Annabelle Hodge-Heine seconded the motion. 
Motion carried.

Chair Brown introduced two new members, Jack and Beth Brooks. They were welcomed to the

The next MCHC meeting will be in August at the Sharp General Store which is owned by Stan

The placement of the Carter Collins’ Memorial Benches has been delayed due to repairs
being done to the building where they will be placed.

El Camino Real Trail Update by Lucile Estell:  New signage is up.  Only one error on one
sign that has the directional arrow pointing in the wrong direction.  ECR Board meeting
will be held July 18, 2013 in Rockdale.  Lucile recommends that if any members have not
signed up for The Medallion, they should go online and sign up as soon as possible.  The
THC Magazine is a great resource.  The next signs that will be installed are the
Significant Site Signs.  The National Park Service has paid for these signs.  We would
like to have interpretive signs but they are extremely expensive.  Lucile Estell made a
motion that the MCHC pay membership to the ECR Association.  It was seconded by Geri
Burnett.  Our membership is the Supporting Group level at $250.00.  The $250.00 covers
the rest of 2013 and 2014.  Motion carried.

There are almost enough recipes for the recipe book but more are still needed.  The goal
is to have the book ready by December.

MCHC is on Melvin’s “to do” list to get the new stone placed at the Courthouse.

Lucile and Joy will give new MCHC member orientation as soon as their schedule allows.

Darlene presented the calendar of events and asked that members contact her with any
additional information that should be placed on the calendar.

Cameo Building Update:  The City of Rockdale’s Building Commission has refused to change
their recommendation to tear down the building and so far, the city council has supported
the commission’s decision to have the building demolished.  The engineering report states
that it will be a relatively easy fix but costly.  This building was built in 1887
according to Joy.

The Perry Building Historic plaque has been dedicated.   Our Chair attended the meeting. 
This recognition is awarded by the Rockdale Downtown Association.

CLG Report:  Joy discussed the status of the Rosenwald School.  The original school
records were burned by the county.  She is researching the school and Davilla.  At one
time, Davilla was the capitol of Texas.  County Judge Summers left money in an account
dedicated for repair of the Rosenwald School’s roof.  At one time there were four
Rosenwald schools in Milam County.  Two are still standing and they are the Davilla
school and Aycock School is Rockdale.

Joy announced that Volume #3 of the CLG survey should be completed by the end of this

The Texas Treasure Business Award program is ongoing.  Several businesses in Milam County

Jack Brooks gave an update on the Lebanon Cemetery project.  They are still finding
headstones.  They have five more large headstones left to raise.  Each weighs 300-800

Chair Brown told the members about the Texas our Texas online book club.  THC will soon
be announcing the second book.

James Bradford gave an update on the Garden of Hope.  Next workday has not been

Milam County Museum needs volunteers to cover shifts 6 days per week.  The museum needs
more historical items from Rockdale.

A work day will be scheduled to go through our mystery friend’s documents that were sent
to Joan.  Our chair will email members about the work day.

There is a need for an additional file cabinet at the Rockdale Library.  Our Chair will
check with the Library to see if there is room for an additional cabinet.

Geri Burnett reported on MCHC’s Preservation Grant recipients and entities that have
given money to the grant.  At this time Cameron still does not participate.

Bill Stiles stated that the Conoley Church would like to apply for a THC marker for the
church and cemetery.  Geri Burnett also explained the MCHC Preservation Grant to the
church group present.

Lucile Estell made a motion to donate $100.00 to the Conoley Church which was seconded by
Darlene Tucker.  Motion carried.

Darlene Tucker made the motion to adjourn and Carole Simank made the second.  Meeting was
adjourned at 12 Noon.


                    Minutes of Milam County Historical Commission
                                  April 8, 2013
                              Gause Methodist Church

The MCHC April meeting was called to order at 10:10 am. Johnnielyn Brown, Chair thanked
the hostesses, Darlene Anglen and Mary Neely.  Chair Brown called roll. 

The minutes from the February 13th meeting were read by Secretary, Joan Ratliff.  Motion
was made by Geri Burnet to accept the minutes as read.  Motion carried.

Chair Brown recognized our guests, Beth and Jack Brooks and thanked them for attending.

The February treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer, Darlene Tucker.  Ms. Tucker also
explained the new format for the report.  Treasurer report was accepted as read.

Old Business:
Chair Brown announced that the June meeting will be held at the Conoley Community Church
just outside of Thorndale.

Tejas Festival recap; we had a great location for our MCHC booth and actually sold one
book and had the opportunity to speak to many people.

Carter Collins memorial benches update; the plaques should be arriving soon.

Milam County Museum Cookbook update; More recipes are needed, a total of 500.  No corn or
pecan pie recipes are needed.  Joan suggested that the form be posted on our MCHC

Milam County Court House Brick Sales and Sidewalk; According to Judge Barkemeyer, MCHC is
responsible for sales, maintenance and placement of bricks.  We can utilize the services
of county employee, Melvin, to assist us with our duties.  Geri showed the group a new
stone that is ready to be placed.  MCHC makes $30 per stone.  Darlene Tucker suggested
that we have forms available at the Rockdale Homecoming and that forms be placed at the
judge’s office as well as the museum.  Lucile was asked to write another article for the
newspapers in the county about the sidewalk stones.

Chair Brown asked that we consider a membership drive because of the need for new
members.  The two newest members are on the County Commissioner’s Agenda for approval. 
Joy and Lucile have been asked to help with New Member orientation.  In addition,
Committee chairs should mentor new committee members.

Jack and Beth Brooks gave an update on the clearing and restoration of the Lebanon
Cemetery.  Work days are still the first Saturday of every month from 9am to 12 noon. 
90% of the cemetery has been cleared of brush.  A group of Thorndale students will be
working the weekend of April 13th.  135 headstones have been found so far.

Mr. Brooks also mentioned that the Thorndale students were not familiar with George
Sessions Perry and the historical information that the books contained.  He donated books
to the Thorndale School.  Mr. Brooks also mentioned that John and Merle Culp moved the
old San Andres Post Office Building built in 1852 onto their property which is across
from Mission marker on CR 442.

Chair Brown announced that not all of the 2013-2015 MCHC committees have been filled.  We
not only need new members we need committee chairs.

New Business:
Darlene Tucker has emailed the new calendar of Events.  Please let her know if there are
events to be added.

Milam County Courthouse Upkeep and Repairs; Geri and Johnnie have made note of some of
the obviously needed repairs or maintenance.  They have been told that the County has no
money in the budget for this.

Rockdale Historical Building Markers; Johnnie presented the plaque for the Dyess
building.   The second plaque will be presented to the Perry building at a later date.

Rosenwald School Update: Joy will give thorough report at next meeting.  Lucile explained
that the deed error was discovered and is being legally cleared.  The foundation is
sending documentation to IRS to enable the foundation to maintain their 501-C-3 status. 
MCHC is holding $10,000 for the school to use for restoration when the deed, title and
tax exempt status is settled.

Texas Treasure Business Award: There are two businesses in Rockdale that qualify, Rainbow
Courts Motel and The Rockdale Reporter.   THC is looking forward to them completing the
application for this award.   Lucile also reported that TXDOT should be putting the ECR
signs up at any time.  Andy Rhodes from THC Medallion will be a speaker at the ECR Board
Meeting this month.  DAR is now supportive of ECR efforts and has joined the
organization.  Geri made motion that MCHC continue membership and Joan seconded the
motion.  Motion carried.

Lucile was the recipient of the Three Missions Chapter of the DAR Historic Preservation
Medal.  At the beginning of the state meeting, they announce that “we are here to honor
Rockdale and ECR”.  A huge thank you goes out to Lucile for her preservation efforts.

THC has posted their schedule of seminars for 2013.  The registration cost for each
seminar is $225.  However there may still be scholarship money available for attendees
that apply.  Sunday, May 12th, THC is offering free admission to all 20 sites in Texas.

James Bradford announced that the Garden of Hope program is going very well.  There is
still space for individual gardens.  They are researching the cost of 8’ deer proof
fencing for the garden.

The Nature Festival will be at Fair Park on 4/13. Chair Brown announced that we need
volunteers.  It was suggested that she contact iTigers, the retired teacher organization,
Rockdale and Gause 4H programs for volunteers to assist with the MCHC archeological “dig”
for children.

The Battle of San Jacinto Symposium will also be held on April 13th in Houston.

Chair Brown will schedule a workday for MCHC members to organize historical documents
sent to Joan by a MCHC mystery friend.

Additional New Business:  Joan Ratliff asked what the MCHC position is on the Rockdale
Cameo building which the Building Standards committee is recommending be torn down.  The
building dates from the 1880’s.  Geri recited MCHC’s mission and made a motion that we
recommend restoration and preservation of the Cameo building as much as can be salvaged
and Lucile seconded the motion.

Committee Reports:
CLG:  It was announced that Joy needs resumes from committee members.

Preservation Grant:  Geri gave an update on the status of 2012 extensions and also
announced that the Preservation Grant Committee has awarded grants for 2013 to the
following entities:

     Kay Theater  $4,100
     Rockdale Historical Society, Depot  $3,500
     Gause Methodist Church  $4,100

Mary Neely gave a brief report on the progress of the church restoration and repair

Strategic Planning:  Nothing new to report

Publicity:  Nothing new to report

Oral History:  Nothing new to report

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Joan Ratliff, Secretary


                  Minutes of Milam County Historical Commission
                                February 13, 2013
                           Rising Star Baptist Church

The MCHC meeting was called to order at 10:20 am.  Role was called by Johnnielyn Brown,

Chair Brown recognized our guests; Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brooks and Joann Bradford and thanked
the Bradford’s for hosting our meeting at Rising Star Baptist Church.

The attendees were asked to read the December minutes.  One correction was noted by Ms.
Hodge-Heine regarding the mis-spelling of her name.  Dr. Lucile Estell made the motion to
accept the minutes with noted correction.  The motion was seconded by James Bradford. 
Motioned carried.

The January treasurer report was given by Darleen Tucker.  Motion to accept the report
was made by Geri Burnett and seconded by Lucile Estell.  Motion carried.

The Chair introduced the new MCHC members, Pam Troutman, Annabelle Hodge-Heine.  Margi
Barkemeyer was also introduced as the Museum liaison for MCHC.

The new MCHC Officers were introduced by Chair Brown as following:
Geri Burnett as Vice Chair, Darleen Tucker as Treasurer and Joan Ratliff as Secretary.

On a sad note, the attendees were told of the death of Mary Anne Eanes’ husband and the
death of Tense Tumlinson’s husband.  Geri Burnett has sent a card to Mrs. Tumlinson and
the new secretary will send a card to Mrs. Eanes from the MCHC.

Chair Brown recognized Geri Burnett’s hard work and effort during her term as MCHC Chair. 
Ms. Burnett was honored with a clock and engraved plaque and the heartfelt appreciation
of all in attendance.

Old Business:
Chair Brown presented the completed list of meeting dates and venues. The April meeting
will be at the Gause Methodist Church.

THC Legislative Session Updates:
Primary focus is on Budget.  We are optimistically hopeful that THC’s budget will not be
cut again.  The commission is encouraged to write letters or emails to the State
Legislature’s Budget Committee in support of THC.  Budget Committee Members can be found
on the State web site. 

The Carter Collin’s Memorial Benches should be installed or placed soon.  The plaques for
the benches have not arrived but once they are attached to the benches, they will be
ready for installation.

ECR Trail Signage:
Dr. Estell reported that the first sign will be installed tomorrow, 2/12, at CR440 and
HWY 79.  TXDOT has received money for their signs but we have not had received a
timeline.  The next ECR Board meeting will be held in Rockdale on April 18th and 19th.

Milam County Museum Cookbook Recipe Collection:
More recipes are needed.  Please use correct form and follow instructions carefully.

Milam County Courthouse Brick Sales:
One brick has been sold to a Cameron High Alum.  There was a question about who is
responsible for maintaining the brick sidewalks and it was suggested that Chair Brown ask
Judge Barkemeyer this question.

New Business:
There will be an oral history workshop focusing on WWII and the Cold War on March 2nd in
La Grange.  If anyone is interested please contact our Chair for more information.

Tejas Art and Book Festival will take place March 2.  The commission will have a table
and sell books.  Volunteers are needed to man the table during the hours of 10am - 2pm.

MCHC Committees for 2013 - 2015 will be established and emailed in the near future.

The membership resignation of Dolores Sonntag was accepted by the commission, with
regret. The motion was made by Joan Ratliff and seconded by Geri Burnet.

New members, Denice Doss and Stan Graves will be welcomed at our next meeting.

New Member orientation was discussed.  It was decided that someone from THC should be
asked to give the orientation.  It was also suggested that the Committee Chairs provide
an orientation for members on their committee.

A report was given by Mr. Jack Brooks about the efforts to clean up and restore the
Lebanon Cemetery.  He needs volunteers to help with this project.  The oldest grave
marker is from the 1850’s.  Three Confederate soldiers are buried in this cemetery.  It
was suggested that Mr. Brooks research and apply for a THC Cemetery Marker.  It was also
suggested that Mr. Brooks apply for a Preservation Grant from MCHC to help with the cost
of restoring the grave markers.  The clean up days will be on the first Saturday of every
month from 9am to 12 noon.

Committee Reports:
The CLG report was given by Dr. Estell for CLG Chair Joy Graham.  The CLG committee will
be working on Volume 3 of the CLG survey.  Dr. Estell also mentioned that NPS is
simplifying the application form for the National Register.  She also mentioned that
there are people working on clearing title on the Rosenwald School in Davilla so that the
building can qualify for assistance from the National Trust.  The National Trust has
identified these schools as a priority.

Joan Ratliff reported that there were three applications for the MCHC Preservation Grant
2013.   Geri Burnett, the new chair of that committee, has scheduled a meeting on 2/18/13
for the committee to review the applications and make recommendations to the Executive
Announcements by Chair

Texas Almanacs are being offered at this time at a 40% discount to county historical

This Wednesday, 2/13, at 3pm, the THC along with the National Trust will be at the County
Courthouse to take photos as part of their “Tour of County Courthouses”.  It is an honor
to be selected to be on the tour and we need as many people as possible to be present.

The Nature Fest will be in Rockdale Saturday, April 13th.  We need a volunteer to be in
charge of our MCHC area/archeological dig for the kids.  Please let Johnnielyn know if
you are able.

James Bradford was asked to give a brief history of the Rising Star Baptist Church.  The
church originated in Tracy Community in 1907.  In 1963 the church moved to Rockdale.  In
July 2009, they broke ground to build the new church and moved in to the new building in
September of 2012.  The future plans include a 4 acre community garden where they can
teach people how to grow their own food.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm with a motion by J. Ratliff seconded by G. Burnett.

James and his wife Joann gave tours of the new church after the meeting was adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted, Joan Ratliff, Secretary MCHC