Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Requests for Info
Received via Website
Gayle Smith
291 FM 1029 N
Mullin, TX 76864
I am searching for someone who knows is there is a listing of burials in the Sandy Creek Cemetery in Milam County. My ancestor Ruth (Duff) Killough is buried there along with a daughter and granddaughter. I have been unable to locate Ruth's husband, Isaac Killough and wonder if he might be buried at Sandy Creek Cemetery and his marker lost.
We retrieved Ruth's broken pieces of marker and put them in concrete. Her marker refers to her husband Isaac Killough.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Gayle Smith
Standard reply to Ms Smith. Email forwarded to MCHC members and others interested in MC history.
All current listings are on Findagrave and I knew Ms Smith has that link. We have messaged. There are no more current records than that. After photograph inventorying that cemetery, called the contact person for that cemetery to see if they could identify those buried in the marked but unnamed graves, they said they could not.
Holly Jentsch
Thank you for the information. I appreciate those who give of your time to take care of the cemetery and answer questions from those of us who are beginning our family history research.
Gayle Smith