
Aaron Donihoo
487 e main st
ventura, CA  93001

Hi, My name is Aaron.  I am looking for information on my great-great uncle.  His name was William Henry Henson.  He lived on the Rockdale and Tracy road.  He was on the 1900 census. After that he went to Tennessee and I was told he got hung.  He would have taken a train. I guess he had his daughter with him and maybe a son-in-law named Edward T Wall. Her name was Frances Melinda Henson - she was called Linnie.  If they did go on the train to Tennessee where would they be let off?
I appreciate what you can do for me. Have a great week.

Aaron L Donihoo



Standard reply to Mr Donihoo.  Email forwarded to MCHC members and others interested in M.C. history.



Aaron, there are several family trees on Ancestry with vast amounts of information on the Henson families, but they do not answer your specific questions about what happened to William Henry Henson. Some of his descendants lived in Milam County until fairly recently.

One family tree lists this information on Melinda: When Frances Melinda "Linnie Henson was born on November 3, 1888, in Coryell, Texas, her father, William, was 37, and her mother, Mary, was 33. She was married three times and had four sons and two daughters. She died on November 15, 1969, in Alice, Texas, at the age of 81.

Peggy Wright


Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
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