Jamie Capwell
2500 Fairway Dr
Alvin, TX 77511

Hi, my boyfriend and I are doing a video on historical markers and we were wanting to know 'do we need to
have a permit to document it for my boyfriend's youtube channel?'
please let me know if we do or don't.

Jamie Capwell



Standard reply sent to Jamie Capwell.  RFI forwarded to MCHC members



Hi, Jamie.

What a great question and I don't have an an answer. I do know who does:

The Texas Historical Commission(THC) staff directory shows a Ms. Sarah McCleskey as Historian, over the
Historical Marker Program. Her contact Tel. is (512) 463-4149. I also located an email address which is
probably hers.  markers@thc.state.tx.us

She has another concealed type email address on the staff directory page. I emailed your question to her and
will be happy to post her response, on our site, as soon as she replies. You are certainly free to contact her
if you wish.  http://www.thc.state.tx.us/about/contact/staff-directory

Thank you for your concern over what might be considered some sort of THC "rights". Writing on behalf of the
Milam County Historical Commission, we're glad to see both of you taking an interest in our Historical Markers
and rich Texas history.

Jack Brooks


Geri Burnett <geriburnett(AT)sbcglobal.net>

I don't think so either, Jerry, but I'll call THC tomorrow and see. 




John Brooks

To: Sarah McCleskey - Texas Historical Commission

Subject: Historic Marker question

Hi Ms. McCleskey,

My name is Jack Brooks and I’m a member of the Milam County Historical Commission. We received an inquiry on
our website that I’m unable to answer:

If you have the time, would you be kind enough to answer Ms. Capwell’s question and cc me so that I may post
it to our www.milamcountyhistoricalcommission.org website. I was unable to find any information that addressed
the specifics of this question.

Jack Brooks


John Brooks


Here is Ms. McCleskey's prompt reply to your Historical Marker question. I am also copying  her and would like
her to know how much the MCHC appreciates her answering this inquiry for both of us.


Jack Brooks



Subject: RE: Historic Marker question

Hi Mr. Brooks,

Thank you for your email.  There is no fee to use markers in print or electronic materials as long as
the producer/writer/director credit their sources for information and images.  If they take the
images themselves, THC has no authority over the image rights.  We do, however, ask that the marker design not
be duplicated (other signs, mats, rugs, etc.).  I hope this answers the question.

Thank you,

Sarah McCleskey
Historian, Historical Markers Program
History Programs Division
Texas Historical Commission
P.O. Box 12276
Austin, Texas  78711-2276
(512) 463-4149



John Brooks


Here is Ms. McCleskey's prompt reply to your Historical Marker question. I am also copying  her and would like
her to know how much the MCHC appreciates her answering this inquiry for both of us.


Jack Brooks


Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Requests for Info
Received via Website
