February 8, 2016
10:00 A.M.
Conoley Church - Thorndale
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Recognition of Host[s] and Guest[s]
3. Approval of December, 2015 Minutes
4. Treasurer Report
5. Introduction of Guest:
Kristin Brown, Texas Historical Commission - CLG Co-ordinator
6. Old Business:
Rosenwald School Update: Geri Burnett
Bridges of Milam County - Lucile Estell
Additional Old Business/Updates
7. New Business:
THC News - Reports Due
Committees for 2016
2016 Meeting places
Additional new business and updates
8. Committee Reports:
a. Bridge Committee: Jack Brooks
b. CLG - James Brymer
c. Preservation Grant - Carole Simank
d. Cemetery Committee - Jack Brooks
e. Publicity - Lucile Estell & Beth Brooks
e. Marker Committee - Joan Ratliff
9. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act
April 11, 2016
10:00 A.M.
Friendship Church
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Pledge to the US Flag
3. Recognition of Host[s] and Guest[s]
4. Approval of the February 8, 2016 Minutes
5. Treasurer Report
6. Introduction of guest: Bratten Thomason, Retired THC History Director
7. Old Business:
Rosenwald School Update - Geri
Bridges of Milam County - Lucile
Selling price of books
Additional Old Business/Updates
8. New Business:
THC News- Reports (CHC, CLG, County)
Marker Dedications: Wilson-Ledbetter Park; Rainbow Courts
Heritage Days Celebration- April 21-23
Web site
Additional New Business/Updates
9. Committee Reports:
Bridge Committee- Jack Brooks
CLG – James Brymer
Preservation Grant – Carole Simank
Cemetery Committee — Jack Brooks
Publicity – Lucile Estell/Beth Brooks
Marker Committee — Joan Ratliff
10. Brief history of Friendship - Jack Brooks
11. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act
June 13, 2016 10:00 A.M.
Gause Methodist Church
Gause, Texas
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Pledge to the US Flag
3. Recognition of Host[s] and Guest[s]
4. Approval of the April 11, 2016 Minutes
5. Treasurer Report
6. Old Business:
THC Workshops: 3 day workshop in Austin June 13-15 (Geri, Lucile, Joan)
One day workshop - John Pruett
Rosenwald School Update
Bridges of Milam County - Lucile
Presales: Receipt Books ($15 books; $5 mailing)
Heritage Days in April – report (Darleen Tucker, John Pruett)
Additional Old Business/Updates
7. New Business:
Support of Gause Archeology Survey-John Pruett
Request by Jerry Caywood: please answer the person requesting
information, then cc Jerry
8. Committee Reports:
Bridge Committee - Jack Brooks
CLG – James Brymer
Preservation Grant – Carole Simank
Cemetery Committee — Jack Brooks
Publicity – Lucile Estell/Beth Brooks
Marker Committee — Joan Ratliff
9. Brief tour/history of Gause Baptist Church - Holly Jenctz
10. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act.
August 8, 2016 10:00 A.M.
Salty Community Church
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Pledge to the US Flag
3. Recognition of Host and Guest[s]
4. Approval of the June 6, 2016 Minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Special Guest: Chris Whittaker, Rockdale City Manager
Update on Bridge Park and Old City Hall (Rockdale Police Station)
7. Old Business:
Rosenwald School Update-Geri Burnett
Bridges of Milam County- Lucile Estell
Presales; Receipt Books ($15 books; $5 mailing)
Donation from Luminant-Geri Burnett
Mission Site National Registry- Lucile Estell
Additional Old Business/Updates
8. New Business:
Gifts to MCHC
Nominating Committee
Need to amend By Laws: Article 4, Section 4
Additional New Business
9. Committee Reports:
Bridge Committee- Jack Brooks
CLG – James Brymer
Preservation Grant – Carole Simank
Cemetery Committee — Jack Brooks
Publicity – Lucile Estell/Beth Brooks
Marker Committee — Joan Ratliff
10. Brief Salty Church history/update
11. Adjourn meeting
Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act.
October 10, 2016 10:00 A.M.
Maysfield Presbyterian Church
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Pledge to the US and Texas State Flag
3. Recognition of Host and Guest(s)
4. Approval of the August 8, 2016 Minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Vote of Change of By-Laws: Article 4, Section 4
7. Old Business:
a.Historic Bridges of Milam County Book –Lucile Estell
b.Archaeology Month Events
c.Thank you to all those who helped with the 2 Marker Dedications in
d.Other Old Business
8. New Business:
a. The December 12 meeting will be at Rainbow Courts in Rockdale.
b.Other New Business
9. Election of Officers
10. Committee Reports
a.Bridge Committee- Jack Brooks
b.CLG- John Pruett for Geri Burnett
c.Preservation Grant- Carole Simank
d.Cemetery Committee- Jack Brooks
e.Marker Committee- Joan Ratliff
11. History of Maysfield Presbyterian Church- Jack Brooks
12. Adjourn meeting
Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act.
December 12, 2016 10:00 A.M.
Rainbow Courts, Rockdale, Texas
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Pledge to the US and Texas State Flags
3. Recognition of Host and Guest(s)
4. Approval of the October 10, 2016 Minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Old Business:
a. Historic Bridges of Milam County Book –Lucile Estell
b. Archaeology Month Events-Geri
c. El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail report- Lucile, John, Lynn
d. MCHC Revised By-Laws Signed by Judge
e. Other Old Business
7. New Business:
a. Appreciation of 2016 MCHC Board and Members
b. Other New Business
8. Committee Reports
a. Bridge Committee- Jack Brooks
b. CLG- Geri Burnett
c. Preservation Grant- Carole Simank
d. Cemetery Committee- Jack Brooks
e. Marker Committee- Joan Ratliff
9. History of Rainbow Courts
10. Adjourn meeting
Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act.