Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
MCHC Meeting Agendas - 2014

February 10, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Thorndale Chamber of Commerce Bldg
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Recognition of Host[s] and Guest[s] and New Members
3. Approval of December Minutes
4. Treasurer Report Approval
5. Old Business: Any Old Business/Updates
6. New Business:
a. Bryant Station Bridge
b. Commissioner Court
c. Additional New Business/Updates
7. Committee Reports:
a. CLG Joy Graham
b. Preservation Grant Geri Burnett
c. Strategic Planning Joan Ratliff
d. Publicity Lucile Estell
e. Oral History Jack Brooks
8. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the Open Meetings Act
April 14, 2014 - 10:00 a.m.
Sharp General Store, Sharp, Texas
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Recognition of Host[s] and Guest[s]
3. Approval of February Minutes
4. Treasurer Report Approval
5. Old Business:
Updates on Rosenwald School
Cameo Building
6. New Business:
Cemetery Updates
Commissioner Court Report
THC News
Additional New Business/Updates
7. Committee Reports:
CLG Joy Graham
Preservation Grant Geri Burnett
Strategic Planning Joan Ratliff
Publicity Lucile Estell
Oral History Jack Brooks
9. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the Open Meetings Act
June 9, 2014 10:00 AM
Rainbow Courts - Rockdale
August 11, 2014 10:00 A.M.
Gause United Methodist Church, Gause, TX
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer hours
2. Recognition of Guests and Hosts
3. Approval of June Minutes
4. Approval of Treasurers Report
6. Old Business:
Worley Bridge Rededication Report
El Camino Real Trail Update- Lucile Estell
Milam County Court House Brick Sales
Old City Cemetery Update
Update on Cameo Building
Update on Rosenwald School
Terry Colley THC Update
Additional Old Business
7. New Business:
October 14th Meeting Kay Theater
Nominating Committee Selection
The Downtown Association Volunteer Project
THC News
Additional New Business and Announcements
8. Committee Reports:
CLG Joy Graham
Preservation Grant Geri Burnett
Strategic Planning Joan Ratliff
Publicity Lucile Estell
Oral History Jack Brooks
9. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the Open Meetings Act.