1. Call to order/Welcome/Roll Call
2. Recognition of guests
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Report from Treasurer
5. Old Business
a. Meeting Places and Dates for 2012
April Meeting (Gause)
b. Web Page Report
c. Volunteer Hours – 2011 hours reported ( 1,914)
d. Area Meeting Information
e. El Camino Real Trail Signage Update
6. New Business
a. NO Annual Preservation Meeting/Texas Preservation with THC (Austin,
March 22-23, 2012 )
b. Tejas Arts and Book Festival- March 3, 2012 (volunteers needed)
c. 2 New Markers approved
d. Master Naturalist Festival, April 14, Rockdale (volunteers needed)
e. Annual Report to Judge Barkemeyer and Commissioners
f. Member attendance
7. Committee Reports
a. Research and Marker - Jackie Thornton
b. Archeology- Willyne Stanislaw
c. Heritage Tourism – Darleen Tucker
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History – Darleen Tucker
f. CLG- Joy Graham
g. Strategic Planning- Joan Ratliff
h. Preservation Grant - Joan Ratliff
8.Adjourn meeting
Geri Burnett, Chairman
Milam County Historical Commission
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is
subject to the Open Meetings Act
April 9, 2012
Gause Methodist Church
10:00 a.m.
Gause, Texas
1. Call to order/Welcome/Roll Call
2. Recognition of guests
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Report from Treasurer
5. Report on the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail
6. Old Business
a. June Meeting - at Sharp Presbyterian Church
b. Preservation Summit (March 22-23)
c. Tejas Arts and Book Festival - March 2-3, 2012
(Thanks to Mary Ann, Joyce & Dee Dee)
d. Nature Festival (Rockdale, Fair Park) April 14, 2012
(Dolores S., Joan R., Darlene T.)
e. Area Meeting
f. Moss - Ragsdale Cemetery Dedication - March 31, 2012
7. New Business
a. Upcoming THC workshops
b. Purchase of a speaker system
c. State Strategic Plan
8. Committee Reports
a. Research and Marker - Jackie Thornton
b. Archeology - Willyne Stanislaw
c. Heritage Tourism - Darleen Tucker
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History - Darleen Tucker
f. CLG - Joy Graham
g. Strategic Planning - Joan Ratliff
h. Preservation Grant - Joan Ratliff
9. Strategic Planning Session - Joan Ratliff
10.Adjourn meeting
Geri Burnett, Chairman
Milam County Historical Commission
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is
subject to the Open Meetings Act
June 11, 2012
Sharp Presbyterian Church, Sharp Community
10:00 AM
1. Call to order/Welcome/Roll Call
2. Recognition of guests
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Report from Treasurer
5. Report of the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail
6. Old Business
a. August 13 Meeting- in Sharp
b. Texas State Courthouse Preservation Workshop (May 24-25, 2012)
c. Area Meeting at Apache Pass on June 21- Every one’s HELP IS NEEDED
d. Milam County Nature Festival- Thanks to Darleen Tucker,
Dolores Sonntag, Joan Ratliff
7. New Business
a. MCHC trunk, books, microphone, etc. stored at the Milam County
8. Committee Reports
a. Research and Marker - Jackie Thornton
b. Archeology- Willyne Stanislaw
c. Heritage Tourism – Darleen Tucker
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History –Darleen Tucker
f. CLG- Joy Graham
g. Strategic Planning- Joan Ratliff
h. Preservation Grant - Joan Ratliff
9. Strategic Planning update – Joan Ratliff
10. Adjourn meeting
Geri Burnett, Chairman
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is
subject to the Open Meetings Act
August 13, 2012
10:00 a.m.
Salty Church, Thorndale
1. Call to order/Welcome/Roll Call
2. Recognition of guests
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Report from Treasurer
5. Old Business
a. October Meeting - in Minerva
b. THC update
c. Area Meeting At Apache Pass
d. Distinguished Service Award accepted by MCHC at June 25
Commissioner’s Court meeting
6. New Business
a. Memorials for Carter Collins
b. Stone for Carter Collins from MCHC
7. Report of the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail
8. Committee Reports
a. Research and Marker - Jackie Thornton
b. Archeology - Willyne Stanislaw
c. Heritage Tourism – Darleen Tucker
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History – Darleen Tucker
f. CLG - Joy Graham
g. Strategic Planning - Joan Ratliff
h. Preservation Grant - Joan Ratliff
9. Adjourn meeting
Geri Burnett, Chairman
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is
subject to the Open Meetings Act
Directions to Salty Church:
Drive west on Hwy 79 and turn left on County Rd 440. Cross the RR Tracks.
Drive approx .9 mile - continue going south on CR 442....At intersection CR 446 turn right or south
and Salty Church is on the left.
October 15, 2012
10:00 a.m.
Minerva Community Center
1. Call to order/Welcome/Roll Call
2. Recognition of guests
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Report from Treasurer
5. Old Business
a. December Meeting- Milam County Museum, Cameron
b. THC update
c. El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail-October 8, 2012
d. Memorial for Carter Collins-stone, bench ?
e. Honoring Jerry Caywood at the December meeting
6. New Business
a. Member Emeritus – Owen Rachel Graves, Adeline Kohotek
b. Nomination Committee Report
c. Election of officers for 2012-2014
d. Preservation in Milam County:
1. 90+ year old barn offered by Carol Stock family
2. 1878, 1885, 1898 and early 1906, 1907 Milam County court
papers donated anonymously
7. Committee Reports
a. Research and Marker - Jackie Thornton
b. Archeology- Willyne Stanislaw
c. Heritage Tourism – Darleen Tucker
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History –Darleen Tucker
f. CLG- Joy Graham
g. Strategic Planning- Joan Ratliff
h. Preservation Grant - Joan Ratliff
8.Adjourn meeting
Geri Burnett, Chairman
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is
subject to the Open Meetings Act
December 10, 2012
10:00 a.m.
Milam County Museum, Cameron, Texas
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call
2. Recognition of Guests: Jerry and Ginger Caywood, Doug Williams
3. Reading of Minutes
4. Report from Treasurer
5. Honoring Members Emeritus Owen Rachel Graves and Adeline Kohutec
6. Honoring Jerry Caywood
7. Introduction of new MCHC members
8. Old Business
a. THC: support during this legislative session
b. Carter Collins Memorial Benches- Jackie Thornton, Willyne Stanislaw
c. Nomination Committee Report for 2013-2015 term of office:
Nominated by the Committee:
Chairman: Johnnielyn Brown
Vice Chair: Geri Burnett
Secretary: Joan Ratliff
Treasurer: Darleen Tucker
d. Election of Officers for the 2013-2015 terms
9. New Business
10. Suggestions for meeting places for 2013?
11. Committee Reports
a. Research and Marker - Jackie Thornton
b. Archaeology - Willyne Stanislaw
c. Heritage Tourism - Darleen Tucker
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History - Darleen Tucker
f. CLG - Joy Graham
g. Strategic Planning - Joan Ratliff
h .Preservation Grant - Joan Ratliff
Geri Burnett, Chairman
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is
subject to the Open Meetings Act